At the heart of intelligent cities and communities lies comprehensive, quality data that reveal important insights and drive better decisions.

The true indicator of a smart city is not only its ability to collect information about its physical and social environments, but to interpret this information in a meaningful way that leads to better, more-responsive decision making.

We help you build urban intelligence by putting in place tools to collect and analyse data from a range of sources, combine information across disparate data sets and measure and track change over time and across space. Our analysts help you interpret this information to understand your data’s broader context and give it meaning within your organisation.

Close up of person using a map on a phone

Mapping and Spatial Analysis

With an estimated 80% of all data having a spatial dimension, cities can be better understood through mapping and spatial analytical techniques that reveal underlying trends and patterns about the way a city works.

Our GIS specialists can help you explore, map and interpret structural and functional relationships across time and place, and turn this information into highly attractive visual outputs that facilitate communication. We produce interactive, digital maps for the web and also static maps for reports.

Urban Intelligence and Analytics

Cities are generators of large-scale, diverse data that can reveal a range of issues and opportunities in both the physical and social environments. However, unlocking the potential of big data can be challenging when there is a lack of understanding about how cities work.

Our urban analysis services blends knowledge in both data science and urban planning to help you understand your cities and communities. We turn that analysis into intelligence that illuminates key issues and trends, unlocks local knowledge and insight, and maps user behaviour in a way that informs actionable, strategic responses.

Aerial shot of neighbourhood houses

Engagement Analysis

While engaging online with your community is great first step, genuine civic participation involves carefully listening to what has been said and mining this information for local knowledge and insight.

We help you go beyond checking boxes and dive into your data to paint a detailed picture of who has participated, attitudes and perceptions, and proposed ideas and solutions for change. We turn this information into clear, practical recommendations that your organisation can implement to support future planning activities.